A free pocket pediatric reference for physicians, doctors, nurses, residents, physician's assistants (PA), medical students, EMS, or any others involved in clinical care of pediatric patients. Based on the Broselow / Breslow color coding system, this app provides weight based medication dosings, vitals, recommended equipment, and much more. Just find your Broslow color and click to get started. Included sections are:Normal VitalsEquipment NeededResuscitation: PALS referenceCardiac Support: Pr
essors, Inotropes, other cardiac medicationsRapid Sequence Intubation: necessary medications for sedation, analgesia, paralyticsVentilatorRespiratory: dosing for common respiratory medicationsSeizureOverdoseIntracranial PressureBlood ProductsFluidsPainAntibiotics: weight based antibiotic dosing for many common antibioticsAPGAR ScoreTrauma: Trauma score and Glasgow Coma ScoreAd supported to make this app possible.The information within this app should not substitute for clinical decision making, but is used as a reference only.
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