This application is intended to be a handy reference to the Elecraft KX3 Owner's Manual which is available on the Elecraft web site at Elecraft has given its permission to use the Manual in this application.Most of the text in the application is taken directly from the KX3 Owner's Manual with changes in format made to accommodate the Android architecture.The application also includes all Firmware Release Notes documented since revision B4 of the KX3 Owner's Manual was published
June 1, 2012.It also includes an Index with each item linked to the corresponding text in the KX3 Manual. Just tap on the Index item and you will be taken to the appropriate point in the Manual.There are hyperlinks throughout the text on items referenced in the text. Tap on one of these hyperlinks and instantly be transferred to the referenced section in the Manual.Full text search is also supported for each chapter in the KX3 Manual.
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