Visitor Infinity (ABSPL) is a robust solution for any company to manage their visitor and securing their premises from unknown threat and this solution is for three types of user: Visitor management for Single companyVisitor management for Business Centre i.e. like Regus.Visitor management for any society or building.And major functionality available on web are:Admin control panel for companies, business centre or societyCreate company, Create or upload Employees, Create reception and Check visi
tor dataAnd major functionality available on Mobile are:Reception LoginCapture Visitor Details with ease like capture image of visitor, Mobile No, mail id, Visitor co name, Address,Choose whom to meet from employee List and purpose of meeting and put what he is carrying like laptop or iPad or any other belongingOnce detail are captured and submitted will go for employee approval based on his approval or rejectionVisitor card will get printed from receptionOnce he finished his meeting then there is check out from receptionEmployee Login for request approval.Reports and Print out:Visitor reportVisitor cardComplaintsReportsDemo Admin url: Login User name: info@acquirosolutions.comPassword: 123456Reception User name: acquiro@acquiro.comPassword: 123456
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