『CHAOS;HEAD NOAH』『STEINS;GATE』『ROBOTICS;NOTES』と続く科学アドベンチャーシリーズ第4弾。第1弾となる『CHAOS;HEAD NOAH』の6年後、復興が進んだ渋谷を舞台に、新たなサイコサスペンスストーリーが「胎動」する ──■あらすじ発生は、突然だった。M7.8。最大震度7の局地的直下型大地震。この悪夢のような天災は、東京を代表する繁華街の一つである渋谷を一晩で無価値にした。視線を遮っていた高層建造物は諦めたように倒壊し、黒い火災は仲間を求めて勢いを広げ続け、混乱した人たちは集団心理から恐怖を扇動され、その全てがあらゆる命を奪って行った。最終的な死者、3851人。負傷者、30927人。後に、“渋谷地震“と呼称されるようになった震災である。物語は西暦2015年10月── 復興中の渋谷区からはじまるそんな復興中の渋谷で奇妙な事件が続発する。そして、人々は気づき始めた。事件の発生日は5年前の渋谷を騒がせたとある事件の日付と一致する。──そう、これはニュージェネレーションの狂気の再来なのだと。ただ──ひとつだけ。ひとつだけ違う事がある。事件の現場に
残されている謎のシール。不気味な力士を模したような謎のシールが新たなニュージェネ事件を解決する鍵になることを、まだ人々は誰も知らない。暗躍する300人委員会。覚醒しつつある妄想具現者(ギガロマニアックス)たち。彼らの“胎動“により妄想の扉が再び解き放たれる……■妄想具現化能力者(ギガロマニアックス)妄想の剣「ディソード」を持ち、自らの妄想を現実に変える力を持つ者たちの総称。能力には個人差があり、自分の妄想を実在する物体として出現させたり、他人の妄想を覗き見たりできる。■ディソードギガロマニアックスへと覚醒した者だけが手にできる「妄想の剣」。所有者ごとに形状が異なっており、リアルブート=現実化させなければ普通の人間には視認できない。所有者の任意で現実世界へ具現化させることができ、いかなる物質でも切断できるほどの切れ味を持つ。■推奨端末AQUOS EVER SH-04GAQUOS SERIE SHV32AQUOS ZETA SH-01Garrows NX F-02HARROWS NX F-04GDIGNO L KYV36DIGNO rafre KYV36Disney Mobile on docomo DM-01GGalaxy S5 SC-04FGalaxy S6 SC-05GGalaxy Tab4 7.0 403SCHTC J butterfly HTL23KYT31Nexus 5Nexus 7(2013)Nexus 9Qua tab KYT31 Xperia Z3 Compact SO-02GXperia Z3 SO-01GXperia Z5 Compact SO-02HXperia Z5 SO-01HXperia XZ SO-01JZenfone2"CHAOS; HEAD NOAH" "STEINS; GATE", "ROBOTICS; NOTES" and followed by Science Adventure 4th.The first installment; after six years of "CHAOS HEAD NOAH", the reconstruction has advanced Shibuya on the stage, a new psycho suspense story is "quickening" ──■ SynopsisGeneration, was suddenly.M7.8. Local direct-type large earthquake of maximum seismic intensity 7.Natural disasters such as this nightmare was worthless Shibuya is one of the downtown representative of the Tokyo overnight.High-rise buildings that were blocking the line of sight is collapsed as give up, black fire continued to spread the momentum in search of fellow, who was confusion is inciting fear from mass psychology, performed all of which take away all the life It was.The final death toll, 3851 people. Injured, 30,927 people.Later, a disaster that came to be referred to as "Shibuya earthquake".The story is the year 2015 October ──Starting from Shibuya-ku, in reconstructionStrange case is secondary in Shibuya in such reconstruction.Then, people began to notice.Date of the incident is consistent with the date of the phrase incident that troubled Shibuya of five years ago.── So, this is that it's a second coming of the new generation of madness.Just ── only one.One there is only different thing. Seal of mystery that has been left at the scene of the incident.That the seal of mystery, such as the eerie wrestlers imitating is the key to solve the new New-generation affair, still people one knows.300 people committee to behind the scenes.Awake while there is delusion embodied person (giga b Maniacs) us.Their "fetal movement" by ...... the door of delusion is again unleashed■ delusion embodied ability person (giga b Maniacs)It has a sword "Disodo" of delusion, collectively Shah who have the power to change their own delusion to reality.There are individual differences in ability, or allowed to appear as an object to be real their own delusion, can or peep the delusion of others.■ DisodoOnly those who were awakening to the giga Russia Maniacs can be in the hands "sword of delusion".It has different shape for each owner, not visible to the normal human beings to be allowed to real boot = reality.It can be optionally embodied into the real world of the owner, with sharpness enough to cut in any material.■ Recommended terminalAQUOS EVER SH-04GAQUOS SERIE SHV32AQUOS ZETA SH-01Garrows NX F-02HARROWS NX F-04GDIGNO L KYV36DIGNO rafre KYV36Disney Mobile on docomo DM-01GGalaxy S5 SC-04FGalaxy S6 SC-05GGalaxy Tab4 7.0 403SCHTC J butterfly HTL23KYT31Nexus 5Nexus 7 (2013)Nexus 9Qua tab KYT31Xperia Z3 Compact SO-02GXperia Z3 SO-01GXperia Z5 Compact SO-02HXperia Z5 SO-01HXperia XZ SO-01JZenfone2
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