Tasks is free and open source task management software based on the same code as Astrid! The complete source code is available at https://github
Tasks is free and open source task management software based on the same code as Astrid! The complete source code is available at https://github.com/tasks. Visit http://tasks.org to read the documentation, or contact support@tasks.org with any questions or feedback* Organize your tasks with tags* Location based reminders* Includes Astrid's flexible task recurrence* Dynamic lists using custom filters* Google Task synchronization* Hide tasks until a later date* Add tasks to your calendars* Manuall
y sort your tasks and create subtasks* And more!Subscribe to unlock additional features:* Synchronize with multiple Google Task accounts* Synchronize and share task lists with CalDAV (compatible with Apple Reminders, OwnCloud, NextCloud, fruux, and more!)* Customize the app by choosing a light, black, dark, wallpaper, or day/night theme, along with 20 theme colors and 17 accent colors* Apply 20 colors to your tags, Google Task lists, and CalDAV lists* Tasker plugins* DashClock extensionTasks includes crowd-sourced translations in over thirty languages, and full support for right-to-left languages. Users can add additional languages or modify existing languages by visiting http://tasks.org/translationsTasks is not affiliated with Yahoo or Todoroo
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