There is a very simple reason why this the best Metric/American Imperial unit converter: I made it for my own personal use and included all the tiny conveniences I could think of, favoring simplicity and ease of use above all else. There isn't even a "Convert" button - the result is shown as you type!The converter includes all the units in common every-day use and nothing more. You don't need to scroll through complex menus full of arcane units you've never heard of. All the conversions are lite
rally a tap away. The most common units are the ones causing the most confusion. Fahrenheit to Celsius, kilograms to pounds, that sort of thing. Who needs to convert mmHg to psf anyway? (No, I don't know what that is either)The conversions included are:Fahrenheit to/from CelsiusFeet to/from metersInches to/from centimetersX' Y'' notation to/from meters and centimetersMiles to/from kilometersPounds to/from kilogramsOunces to/from gramsFluid ounces to/from millilitresGallons to/from litresMiles per gallon to/from litres per 100kmAcres to/from decaresSquare and cubic feet and meters
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