In a scientific sense, a chemical process is a method or means of somehow changing one or more chemicals or chemical compounds. Such a chemical process can occur by itself or be caused by an outside force, and involves a chemical reaction of some sort. In an "engineering" sense, a chemical process is a method intended to be used in manufacturing or on an industrial scale (see Industrial process) to change the composition of chemical or material, usually using technology similar or related to tha
t used in chemical plants or the chemical industry.Neither of these definitions are exact in the sense that one can always tell definitively what is a chemical process and what is not; they are practical definitions. There is also significant overlap in these two definition variations. Because of the inexactness of the definition, chemists and other scientists use the term "chemical process" only in a general sense or in the engineering sense. However, in the "process (engineering)" sense, the term "chemical process" is used extensively. The rest of the article will cover the engineering type of chemical process.Support Languageen-US = Englishar-SA = العربيةhy-AM = հայերենbg-BG = Българскиhu-HU = Magyarvi-VN = Tiếng Việtgl-ES = Galegonl-NL = Nederlandsel-GR = Ελληνικάda-DK = Danskhe-IL = עִבְרִיתes-ES = Españolit-IT = italianoca-ES = català,zh-CN = 中文ko-KR = 한국어de-DE = Deutschno-NO = Norskfa-IR = فارْسِىpl-PL = polskipt-PT = Portuguêsro-RO = românăru-RU = Русскийsr-RS = Српскиsk-SK = slovenskýsl-SI = slovenskita-IN = தமிழ்tr-TR = Türkçeuk-UA = українськаfi-FI = suomifr-FR = françaishi-IN = हिन्दhr-HR = hrvatskics-CZ = Češtinasv-SE = Svenskaet-EE = eestija-JP = 日本語id-ID = Indonesia
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