The Framingham Risk Score is one of a number of scoring systems used to determine an individual's chances of developing cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular risk scoring systems give an estimate of the probability that a person will develop cardiovascular disease within a specified amount of time, usually 10 to 30 years. Because they give an indication of the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, and also indicate who is most likely to benefit from prevention10-Year Risk Score gives an in
dication of the likely benefits of prevention, they are useful for both the individual patient and for the clinician in helping decide whether lifestyle modification and preventive medical treatment, and for patient education, by identifying men and women at increased risk for future cardiovascular events. Coronary heart disease (CHD) risk at 10 years in percent can be calculated with the help of the Framingham Risk Score. Individuals with low risk have 10% or less CHD risk at 10 years, with intermediate risk 10-20%, and with high risk 20% or more. • The evidence and advice in this app are meant for support clinical decision making .• Therapeutic options should be determined after discussion between the patient and physician.
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