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공개할 수 있습니다. 자신의 매력을 모두에게 어필해보세요! 코어는 깔끔한 UI 및 UX를 통해 누구나 쉽게 사용 수 있습니다.----개발자 연락처 :door0702@gmail.comEuron some photos Do you ever feel that we can not judge anyone?I did not know I found a good feeling going to eject people to say hello to the next?Hasingayo other information about the person before making a curious conversation? The core provides a timeline that you can earn, including a default in chapter 4 profile picture, magnetic space can reveal themselves more frankly [My core] on 30 posts, photos, and voice recordings. A particular advantage of the core 10001) "function anonymous questions" can leave questions anonymously to the core of the other members. If you are an anonymous questions to their arrival [NO], [PASS], [YES] answered Try pressing three buttons in! A particular advantage of the core 10002) "function to remove comments," When you publish your post to [My core] helps you express yourself in a more honest, without having to worry about the reaction of other people! A particular advantage of the core 10003) "cloud" can be released over a period of at least one day to the entire core members of his post posted on [my core. Try appealing to all their charm! Core anyone with a clean UI and UX, you can easily use.
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