I am designing this application with a goal of allowing users to create local, national or international lottery result and build game strategies. By allowing the user to generate a set of up to 6 numbers plus an extra number between 0 to 100 (17,1,33,63,65,100 + 15) I am admitting a vast possible lottery games that the user can create, save and build strategies against the odds of winning.-Select a Range between 0 to 100 to generate random set of numbers. -Select a Secondary Range between 0 to
100 to add a special number in the Play outcome. e.g. 24,05,10,35,4 + 15-Pick Numbers (columns) and numbers of Plays (rows)-Customize the outcome of random set of numbers between selected range(s)-Toggle between showing and hiding secondary Range selection-Select a previous saved Play setting from the drop down list Play This-Order Matter check box: If checked, (1, 2) and (2,1) are two possible outcome in a play. Unchecked, only (1,2) OR (2,1) can be outcome in a play.-Allow Repetition check box: If checked, (1,1) is a possible outcome in a play. Unchecked, repetition is not allow.-Exclude Palindrome check box: Eliminate the possibility of Palindrome Numbers in a play outcome. (0-9,11,22,33,44,55...)-Exclude Fibonacci check box: Eliminate the possibility of Fibonacci Number in a play outcome. (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55...)-Exclude Number Containing: This will remove all numbers in the Range containing the number crossed from this list. (0-9)-Range: The list of numbers between the selected Range.Also, the visualization of eliminated number from a play outcome. In addition, single number can be eliminate from the Range list.-After generating or customizing a Play, This can be save and it will be include in the drop down list from Play This.-Toggle between English and Spanish
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