Aplikasi Disposisi Pusdiklat designed specifically for the Trade Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) of the Ministry of Trade.The mobile version apps is connected to the web version apps. This apps provides facility to create and distribute incoming mail disposition. Through this application, officials of Pusdiklat Perdagangan can receive and distribute disposition quickly to their subordinates. Thus, the flow of information from the incoming mail will be quickly delivered to the addressee
, and no longer depending on the paper-based disposition. Applications are equipped with facilities to:* Monitor incoming mail* Create disposition* Forward the disposition * Notify the incoming disposition* Monitor position of dispositionTo be able to use this application, you can simply log in with the username and password that you normally use to log in the web based apps. ----------------------------Find out more: www.mreasindo.comFollow us Facebook: www.facebook.com/mcreasindo
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