This application places all the shopkeepers and anyone who buys and sells any of the products, keeping them accounting for all kinds. This application stores all its data online so it is completely secure if you lose your mobile even then you can log in again with any phone.First of all, to sell it, to buy it and to buy it, we have to give the product information and supporter information, meaning that we will have to add the product and supplier first. And if a customer wants to borrow, then he
has to add it first.There is also the option of business in the gym. You can check profits by writing the expenses and income of side businesses in your own way.Its properties are listed below1. Online Data Store2. Manage the product3. Supplier couples borrow from them, give money later, history will be made of all and you can ever see4. When lending to your customer, the customer can add the customer in the option and sell it at the time of the sale and deposit it while taking the amount. The history of all these will become so that you can see who borrowed when the money was deposited back.5. Purchased the product and if you want it back, then you can undo the product.6. The total amount of the product is purchased in one day and by the Kis Supplier, all the suppliers will be found in history.7. All the history of the purchase of a single product will be found in the history of the product and there is also the option of searching and sorting on the same pattern as to search by name of the product.8. Write and sell the name of the product and sell it otherwise Otherwise, if you want to sell the lending, then press on the lending and write the name of the customer and press on the syllabus.9. You can undo the wrong sale by clicking on Sell the product undone.10. The history of all the sales will be made whenever they want to see it.11. All reports will be reported in the report. You can view any day's report and see the report between today, tomorrow, this month, last month, this year, last year and any date from any date.12. In the report: -gross salesTotal cash saleTotal credit salesLoan amount deposited by the customerRemainder from customerTotal purchaseTotal cash purchaseTotal credit purchaseCredit amount was deposited by SupplierBalance sheet for SupplierGross profitGross profit cashGross profit lendingGross profitThe remaining profit from the customerTotal expenditureNet Profit13. Information about the balance reserves and how much profit is left to it. The total purchase price and selling price of the remaining stock will also be there.14. The borrowers have the option of depositing the lending amount after borrowing and giving the amount in which the payers have to calculate the amount and both the accounts will be accounted for by the customers.15. Expenditure is an option in which you can write your expenses which are written with the comment which you can undo. The history of all will be as you can ever see16. The option of side business is for those who also do other work. He can write down his low-cost and income and find out how much he gives it. The history of all these will be created which you can ever see17. With the help option, you can always ask questions we will help you18. Can run multiple accounts simultaneously using logout option.19. Delete all your data from Reset20. Can change the name by clicking on its name at the topProduct Buying, Selling, Lending Goods, Selling Lending, Home Spending and More Than Many Things To NeedView details or details easily |||
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