Want the most smooth GIF playback experience? Try OmniGIF!Want a secure place to hide your private GIF? Try OmniGIF!Want to reverse play your GIF? Try OmniGIF!Want to play animated PNG? Try OmniGIF!Want to zoom in and out while playing GIF and VIDEO? Try OmniGIF!Want to fast and slow playing of your GIF and VIDEO? Try OmniGIF!OmniGIF can browse Reddit very easily, and is also your handy photo gallery browser, simple video clip player. You can mix all the supported files and play them in a slide
show manner! OmniGIF has all the play back capabilities trying to bring you a joyful experience.Highlight features:* Private stroage, protected your little secrets* Play speed control -, 1/8 x to 8x arbitrary setting* Reverse play - forward and backword playing* Zoom and drag - 1/8x to 8x arbitrary setting, drag and view when GIF is scaled larger than screen* Step play - watch the GIF movie frame by frame* Image rotation - rotate the GIF image instead of rotate screen orientation* Full Android native decoding - fast and efficient, even works on old Android version* Support most GIF formats, vast compatibility* Navigate GIFs from popular GIF web sites, Reddit, Tumbler, etc.Easy to use:* Modern style GIF gallery* Native file explorer for navigation of files not end with ".gif" suffix* 5 level of fast zoom control, double tap zoom* 5 quick control with 1/4, 1/2, 1.0, 2.0 ,4.0 x speedsJoin Cucumber Software Beta Release Test Group, where you can find the most cutting edge release of this APP. https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/107710036130669307557
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