Mobile Agent is:+ Rapid collection of client requests+ Division according to the forms of payment and deferred payment+ Control of residues+ Control of receivables+ Control of packaging+ Design of the SSP+ Design Storecheck+ Pictures outlets+ Use of the nomenclature of priorities+ Separation range+ Order of visits to shopping+ Display outlets applications on the map+ Discount+ GPS tracking in real time+ Data transfer USB, FTP, Google drive, Gmail, Dropbox+ Easy customization+ User-friendly inter
face+ Sales reports+ Print PDF+ inventory+ Barcode scannerMOBILE AGENT:+ Compatible with any storage system+ Uses an XML markup language+ Can be used without internet+ Does not require third-party servers+ It has no limitation + Updated and maintained+ And he is absolutely free!How to set up a connection to your accounting system?Very simple! Visit the website download a detailed description of the communications protocol.Your programmer will understand this easily!
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