English Grammar Test features: - NO internet connection required after install; - 2000 English grammar exercises; - 2000 English words; - Dictionary of 28000 words and their definitions; - 160+ English lessons; - 20 tests - every one containing a question category; - Medal achievements; - Wrong Answer list after each test; - Evolution Table;English Grammar Test is a great free education app which can help you expand your English vocabulary and learn English.For example we do no
t write gramer, grammer, grammarly, gramar or grammer but grammar. Learn English through our lessons: - present simple; - present simple; - present continuous; - present perfect; - past simple; - past continuous; - past perfect; - future; - adjectives; - adverbs; - prepositions; - phrasal verbs; - modal Verbs - irregular Verbs - gender; - reported speech; - use of some and any; - use of shall and should; - contractions; - use of usual and usually; - elder versus older; - few versus little; - make versus do; - reported Speech - gerund - infinitives - articles; - gerund; - idioms; - nouns;Get in touch with us anytime, anywhere and for any reason :-) - labsterzz@gmail.com - facebook.com/LABsterzz - twitter.com/LABsterzz - plus.google.com/communities/108779432287948193817 Good luck !LABsterzz Team
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