Near Me quickly identifies your position and allows you to choose the nearest Bank, Bar, Gas Station, Hospital, Hotel, Movie Theater, Restaurant.Near Me shows you a complete list of all the businesses in the category you have tapped on along with the distance from where you are.Description :Near Me is an easy to use app which helps you find ATM, Bank, Gas Station, Restaurant, Cafe, Hospital, Movie Theatre near you.Near Me Gets Your location by network Provider or wifi. so it is fastest to find y
our Current location and shows nearest services.So if you are planning a trip abroad and want to find restaurants, hotels or just about anything you can do so easily with this app.Features :Displays details such as address, phone numbers, distance from current location, etc. for the results from within the app.Automatically finds your current location and plots it on a map.Displays detailed information such as Ratings, Reviews, Opening Hours and Photos for places.Email Us:
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