Image Size CalculatorThe first section is a dimension calculator which takes a single video image dimension and calculates the remaining dimensions based on three aspect ratios - 16:9, 16:10 and 4:3. Below this is a custom aspect ratio section which uses the same dimension input.Step 1: Select the single dimension type you wish to enter - Width (mm), Height (mm), Diagonal (mm) or Diagonal (Inch).Step 2: Press the 'Enter Dimension' text field to bring up the number pad.Step 3: Enter your dimensio
n.Step 4: Press the 'Go!' button and your results are displayed.You can jump back in at any step to make changes.Step 5 (Optional): Custom aspect ratio - Expand the section by pressing on the heading - Enter your custom aspect ratio and press the 'Go!' button and your results are displayed.(Changes to the initial dimension require another press of the custom aspect ratio 'Go!' button)Precision to 2 decimal places.Aspect ratio calculator:Step 1: Expand the section by pressing on the heading.Step 2: Press the text fields to bring up the number pad.Step 3: Enter your custom image width and height in mm.Step 4: Press the 'Go!' button and your results are displayed.Precision to 3 decimal places on aspect ratio, and 2 decimal places on dimensions.Video wall calculator:Step 1: Expand the section by pressing on the heading.Step 2: Press the text fields to bring up the number pad.Step 3: Enter your video wall information - Panel resolution, panel size and panel count.Step 4. Press the 'Go!' button and your results are displayed.Precision to 3 decimal places on aspect ratio, and 2 decimal places on dimensions.Metric (mm) / Imperial (Inch) setting - Select your preference and each section is adjusted to suit.Setting is retained after shutting down the app so it doesn't have to be selected each time.Show and hide the setting with the setting icon on the bottom right of the screen.Dimensions are based purely on aspect ratio and image size and do not account for bezels or borders (With the exception of video wall dimensions)Image Size Calculator should be used as a guide only. All information should be double checked before putting to use.
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