SEMANGAT MENEMBUS BATASSyarat menjadi DISTRIBUTOR RESMI PT NASA sebagai berikut :Cukup bayar RP 200.000 (belum termasuk ongkos kirim) mendapatkan :Paket pendaftaran (Starkid) yang berisi :1. Produk Nasa 3 Macam>>> Grace body crystal 44.000(untuk menghilangkan bau badan, mengobati gatal kadas,kurap dan kutu air)>>> Sunpro Propolis 120.000(untuk daya tahan tubuh) >>> Green Star 50.000(Pupuk untuk tanaman) 2. DVD offline3. Buku bisnis NASA 4. Buku harga konsumen dan distributor 5. Stiker6. NotaDan
akan mendapatkan : #id card / kartu member resmi NASA#Bimbingan full online maupun offline #tanpa wajib stok barang dan tutup pointSetelah mendaftar sebagai distributor NASA nanti sudah berhak mendapatkan harga distributor dan akan Di invit ke grup khusus DistributorSalam sukses !#never_giveup#pendaftaranagennasaSPIRIT TO BREAK THE LIMITTerms to become OFFICIAL DISTRIBUTORS of PT NASA as follows:Just pay Rp. 200,000 (excluding shipping costs) to get:Registration package (Starkid) which contains:1. Nasa 3 kinds of products>>> Grace 44,000 body crystal(for removing body odor, treating itching, ringworm and ringworm)>>> Sunpro Propolis 120,000(for endurance)>>> Green Star 50,000(Fertilizer for plants)2. DVD offline3. NASA business books4. Book prices of consumers and distributors5. Stickers6. NoteAnd will get:The official #id card / member card# Full online and offline guidance# without the obligation to stock and close the pointAfter registering as a NASA distributor, you will have the right to get the distributor price and will be invited to a special distributor groupSend regards for success !#never_giveup#endendagagasa
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