Dans cette démo découvrait les toutes premières scènes du jeuVersion complète disponible ici : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BlackDisketteStudio.CrimeInvestigatorVR&hl=fr"Crime Investigator VR" is a VR game in which you must conduct an investigation to solve a murderTo do this you will have to collect the clues, interrogate the suspects and collect all the evidence in order to charge the right person. This game work with a Cardboard with trigger or Cardboard+Bluetooth control
ler or Freefly Beyond Cardboard or a simple cardboard VR"Crime investigator VR" est un jeu en réalité virtuel ,dans lequel vous devez menez une enquête pour résoudre un meurtre.Pour cela vous devrez collecter les indices,interroger les suspects et rassembler toute les preuves afin d'inculper la bonne personne.Ce jeu est compatible avec : Cardboard équipe d'une gachette ou Cardboard avec manette bluetooth ou le FreeFly Beyond ou un simple cardboard VRLanguage Francais or EnglishIn this demo discovered the very first scenes of the gamefull version available here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.BlackDisketteStudio.CrimeInvestigatorVR&hl=fr"Crime Investigator VR" is a VR game in qui you must conduct an investigation to solve a murderTo do this you will-have to collect the clues, interrogate the suspects and collect all the evidence in order to load the right person. This game work with a trigger with Cardboard Cardboard + Bluetooth controller Gold Gold Gold Cardboard Freeflying Beyond mere cardboard VR"Crime investigator VR" is a virtual reality game, where you have to lead an investigation to solve a murder.For this you will need to collect clues, interrogate suspects and gather all the evidence to indict good personne.Ce game is compatible with: Cardboard team a trigger or Cardboard with Bluetooth joystick or FreeFly Beyond a simple cardboard or VRLanguage French or English
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