NOTE: The application does not automatically transcribe audio, please do not rate negative for that.Complete tool for audio/video transcription and dictation. Features: * Support extended voice recognition* Recognition of punctuation marks and special characters* Full integration with the keyboard * Playback paused* Storage of position, text, etc.* Export to plain text* Inspired by Express Scribe®Use the voice recognition engine to google but expanding to support punctuation and special characte
rs. Supported format: MP3, 3GPP, WAVE, Ogg and MPEG-4 Languages supported: * Spanish, English, Portuguese and ItalianList of recognized commands: * Point * Comma * New line * Equals * Full stop * Semicolon * Colon * Arroba * Asterisk* Ampersand* Open single quote / End single quote* Open quote / Close quote* Open angle bracket / Close angle bracket* Open parenthesis / Close parenthesis * Question mark* Exclamation point * Forward slash * Backslash * Space bar * Vertical bar and more!Report errors or translation
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