This free App on Television (TV) Engineering covers most important topics in simple English and diagrams for a quick study and revisions at the time of Exams, Viva, Assignments and Job interviews. It is the most useful App for last minute preparations. The Best app for school, college and work. If you are a student It will help to learn a lot. This useful App lists 150 topics in 5 chapters, totally based on practical as well as a strong base of theoretical knowledge with notes written in very s
imple and understandable English. Consider this App as a quick note guide which professors use in a classroom. The App will help in faster learning and quick revisions of all the topics. Some of the topics Covered in the app are:1. Introduction to Television System2. Vidicon TV camera tube3. Sound transmission.4. Picture reception5. Sound reception synchronization6. Receiver controls7. Colour television8. Colour Receiver Controls9. GROSS STRUCTURE10. Horizontal scanning11. Vertical scanning12. NUMBER OF SCANNING LINES13. Flicker14. Interlaced scanning15. Scanning periods16. Scanning periods17. Scanning sequence18. Vertical resolution19. Horizontal resolution20. Interlace error21. Tonal gradation22. VIDEO SIGNAL DIMENSIONS23. Blanking pulses24. Horizontal sync details25. Vertical sync details26. Sync pulse separation and generation of vertical and horizontal sync pulses27. Equalizing pulses28. Functions of vertical pulse train29. Sync details of the 525 line system30. Amplitude modulation31. Channel bandwidth32. Vestigial sideband transmission33. Transmission efficiency34. Complete channel bandwidth35. Reception of vestigial sideband signals36. Demerits of Vestigial Sideband Transmission37. Frequency modulation38. FM channel bandwidth.39. Channel bandwidth for color transmission40. Allocation of frequency bands for television signal Transmission41. Monochrome picture tube42. Electron Gun43. Beam deflection44. Screen phosphor45. Face plate46. Picture tube characteristics47. Picture tube circuit controls48. Television Camera Tube-Basic Principle49. Television Camera Tube- Video Signal50. Television Camera Tube- Electron Multiplier51. Image orthicon52. Light Transfer Characteristics and Applications53. Vidicon54. Vidicon-Leaky Capacitor Concept55. Vidicon- Light Transfer Characteristics56. The plumbicon57. Plumbicon Light Transfer Characteristics58. Silicon diode array vidicon59. Solid state image scanners60. Cameras Employing Solid-State Scanners61. Television studio62. Television cameras63. Programme control room64. Video switcher65. Electronic Switcher Configuration.66. Electronic Switcher Configuration67. Synchronizing system68. Sync Pulse Generation (SPG) Circuitry69. Master control room (MCR).70. Generation of amplitude modulation71. Television transmitter72. Positive and negative modulation73. Comparison of Positive and Negative Modulation74. Sound signal transmission75. Merits of frequency modulation76. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis77. Generation of frequency modulation78. Transistor Reactance Modulator79. Varactor Diode Modulator80. Stabilized reactance modulator.81. Armstrong FM System82. FM sound signal83. Types of television receivers84. Receiver sections85. Vestigial sideband correction86. Choice of intermediate frequencies.87. Picture tube circuitry and controls88. Automatic Gain Control (AGC).89. Sync processing and AFC circuit.90. B or low voltage power supply91. High Voltage (EHT) Supply92. Antennas-Radiation Mechanism93. Radiation Patterns of Resonant Antennas
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