With The MBTI Database, you can contribute to and view 1000's of real and fictional MBTI personality profiles! The only Android app of its kind!A database featuring real figures such as Presidents, Historical Leaders, and Celebrities... or... Fictional profiles from Movies or Television shows.**** THIS APP DOES NOT CONTAIN A TEST NOR INFO ON THE 16 PORTRAITS. There are many apps that do this already. This app, however, is a comprehensive database, based on user-generated content to identify t
he profile type of famous people, the only app of its kind. **** Those who rate the app on this basis will be directed to this comment.========================WHAT IS MBTI? The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. This app does not contain the questionnaire but use their letter system to assign in profiling.=========================IMPORTANT: This is a community that requires 100% user-generated content (votes) to be successful. So if you sign up, we hope you contribute! =========================Users can add new subcategories and profiles and add to our database collection. If you login, you can comment on profiles as well and upvote or downvote others.Add profiles to your favorites list and easily find those people you care about.The app will assign the most popular profile to each person.Simply login with your Google Account and you can add your profile opinions to the database!Option in settings to use the David Keirsey portrait names (Inspector, Provider, etc) with each profile.Currently there are ads, but no in-app purchases. If you contribute enough content , he ads will go away for good!For feedback and app discussion, please join our Google+ community displayed inside the app at the bottom of the navigation drawer. This app is not yet designed for tablets but can be viewed on one.
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