
TelNet Info Solutions

Anns English Medium School

SchoolBuzz helps busy, on-the-go parents powerful new ways to stay connected to the school

Anns English Medium School

SchoolBuzz helps busy, on-the-go parents powerful new ways to stay connected to the school. Parents can access critical information, updated notifications etc on any device they choose. It's the most powerful parent-teacher notification app on the market today. SchoolBuzz is a replacement for the traditional school diary.Our Highlights⦿ Eliminate Miscommunication⦿ Complete Privacy⦿ Administrator Control⦿ Ease of Access⦿ Targeted Communication⦿ Message Track ⦿ Reply Facility⦿ One Click Resend⦿ Attachments⦿ Pre-Schedule Messages⦿ One to One chat⦿ Multi-line Communications⦿ Admin Dashboard⦿ Dedicated Service⦿ Rock Solid Support