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Texas Laws (TX 85th Legislature state code )

TX Laws - 85th Texas Constitution and Statutes You can access titles with out Internet connection and its up to date

Texas Laws (TX 85th Legislature state code )

TX Laws - 85th Texas Constitution and Statutes You can access titles with out Internet connection and its up to date.Here are the available laws.The Texas ConstitutionAgriculture CodeAlcoholic Beverage CodeAuxiliary Water LawsBusiness And Commerce CodeBusiness Organizations CodeCivil Practice And Remedies CodeCode Of Criminal ProcedureEducation CodeElection CodeEstates CodeFamily CodeFinance CodeGovernment CodeHealth And Safety CodeHuman Resources CodeInsurance CodeInsurance Code - Not CodifiedLabor CodeLocal Government CodeNatural Resources CodeOccupations CodeParks And Wildlife CodePenal CodeProbate CodeProperty CodeSpecial District Local Laws CodeTax CodeTransportation CodeUtilities CodeWater CodeVernon's Civil Statutes