Mandina's Inspection Services introduces UltraCal on android:UltraCal is a NDT calculator that consists of 12 popular formulas used in industrial Ultrasonic Inspection
Mandina's Inspection Services introduces UltraCal on android:UltraCal is a NDT calculator that consists of 12 popular formulas used in industrial Ultrasonic Inspection. This app's formulas are perfect for personal use and for those taking upcoming inspection examinations. One can make their own test questions and check the answers using UltraCal (velocities are in metric and US standard).You will be able to calculate:1) Wavelength2) Near Field3) Half Beam Spread4) Amplitude Comparison5) Acoustic Impedance6) Percent Reflection7) Depth Calculator (sound path)8) Snell's Law9) Angle Beam Set Up10) Angle Beam Flaw Location11) AWS Indication Rating12) TOFD PCS