Part 66 Trainer for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
Test your skills for the EU PART 66 modules exams with this neat traning app
Part 66 Trainer for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers
Test your skills for the EU PART 66 modules exams with this neat traning app. There are more than 400 questions divided into all the different modules for B1.1 / A1 exams.The first 3 modules are free to try, so you can see if this app is anything for you. If you like it, you can purchase even more modules.The Part 66 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Multiple Choice App is the perfect supplement to the regular part 66 classroom training, where you can train yourself on the run. Modules featured in this version:+ MODULE 1: MATHEMATICS + MODULE 2: PHYSICS+ MODULE 3: ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS + MODULE 4: ELECTRONIC FUNDAMENTALS+ MODULE 5: DIGITAL TECHNIQUES / ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENT SYSTEMS + MODULE 6: MATERIALS & HARDWARE + MODULE 7: MAINTENANCE PRACTICES + MODULE 8: BASIC AERODYNAMICS + MODULE 9: HUMAN FACTORS+ MODULE 10: AVIATION LEGISLATION+ MODULE 11: AEROPLANE AERODYNAMICS, STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS+ MODULE 15: GAS TURBINE ENGINE + MODULE 17: PROPELLER What we are currently working on for the next version: + B1.2+ B1.3 + ESSAY QUESTIONS This app is developed to help you with the part 66 multiple choice exams, and you are very welcome to help us improve the app by sending us multiple choice questions and suggestions for improvements. Furthermore, if you find some bugs please send don’t hesitate to send us and email at support@part66-app.comMore questions are made all the time and if you purchase the bundle package, you get access to all future add-ons.Please note that this app is an unofficial app made by skilled Aircraft Maintenance Engineers from all over the world. We do our best to keep it updates at all times and make the best content to our future colleagues.Please help us in our work by sharing the app with your friends, if you like what we are doing.If you have any critical comments to the app's functionality or content, please use the in-app commenting system to let us know, how we can make the app even better. Thanks in advance :)