Where is Police / Kur Policija
ATTENTION: The goal of this project is to discipline drivers
Where is Police / Kur Policija
ATTENTION: The goal of this project is to discipline drivers. We urge everyone to obey the law. Please inform Police about any kind of violation.This is the very first version of our app. We were trying hard to make it as simple and as comfortable as possible. Although we all make mistakes, so if the app crashes, doesn't work properly or you have any kind of suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us and we will try to solve all the problems.Online map: http://www.kurpolicija.lt/The purpose of our app is to share realtime information about objects on road - heavy traffic, speed cameras, Police raids, Police cars etc.In short, users of application are able to see a map of various objects which are submitted by theirselves. Data is stored in the online database and refreshed every minute. An object is valid for two hours. User can submit the object indicating its location (choosing user's current location or other location on the map), type and comment (unnecessary).Application uses Google Maps which are very comfortable and easy to navigate.