
Ability Studio

Wheelchair Exercises

This wheelchair fitness app tells about different aerobic exercises that can be done on wheelchair and that will make your heart circulation and breathing fast

Wheelchair Exercises

This wheelchair fitness app tells about different aerobic exercises that can be done on wheelchair and that will make your heart circulation and breathing fast. Burning of calories can be helpful for reducing weight that is very important for wheelchair users. This is an app regarding exercises and workouts on wheelchair. All users of foldable wheelchair, light weight wheelchair and motorized wheelchair can do it. You will know about various exercises that can be performed from wheelchair. In this wheelchair workout app all exercises are explained with images and simple language. This wheelchair exercises free app can be very useful for those people that are wheelchair bound and must be done regularly to get maximum health benefits. These exercises must be done regularly in case of any disability like spinal cord injury, polio, muscular dystrophy or any other ambulatory dysfunction. Similar to physiotherapy all the given wheelchair work outs will help you become you stronger and independent. It has awsome features like Easy to use wheelchair app. This is Wheelchair exercises free app. Images to explain every exercise.This wheelchair fitness app can be helpful to anyone searching the play store using following keywordsAerobic exercise,aerobic workout, gym workout,wheelchair exercise,wheelchair fitness,healthy lifestyle.Quadriplegia,tetrapledia, paraplegia,spinalcord injury,disabled,disabled life,motorized wheelchair, power wheelchair,wheelchair selection, spnal cord injury , disabled persons ,disabled literature,disabled. Wheelchair selection,wheelchair exercises, wheelchair workout,wheelchair fitness,medical ,surgical equipment