

Crowd Fund Idea

Why choose Crowd Fund IDEA for your crowdfunding project?Crowd Funding, Crowd Sourcing, Crowd Sharing, Crowd Coaching, Crowd Sales, Crowd Purchase, Crowd Ownership, Crowd Profit, Crowd Knowledge, Crow

Crowd Fund Idea

Why choose Crowd Fund IDEA for your crowdfunding project?Crowd Funding, Crowd Sourcing, Crowd Sharing, Crowd Coaching, Crowd Sales, Crowd Purchase, Crowd Ownership, Crowd Profit, Crowd Knowledge, Crowd Learning, Crowd Rentals, Crowd Hire, Crowd Investing, Crowd Investments, Crowd Loans.Why choose Crowd Fund IDEA?Crowd Fund IDEA is free of charge for the placement of your own campaign. Crowdfunding is the perfect way to bring your product or idea to the market. Our platform is crowdfunding as it should be, almost all projects are admitted. Our method differs from other crowdfunding websites due to a simple acceptance policy.Crowd Fund IDEA is a privately owned company with a team of professionals led by a driven owner. We are helping entrepreneurs with Crowdfunding, Crowdsourcing, and Coaching during their StartUp. The success of new entrepreneurs and their new businesses is 50% based on a solid foundation. We share experiences to help young people to make a good start to be a successful entrepreneur.Social & Charity Campaigns no service charges apply the entire amount raised is to benefit the campaign. Individual & Business Campaigns will be charged with 4% service costs with a minimum of € 450,= (euro) There will be no costs charged to donors outside the cost for the use of there credit card. Our crowdfunding platform creates financial possibilities for many people and their businesses worldwide.There are extensive possibilities to promote your campaign and we offer you a guaranteed security. If you do not have any experience with crowdfunding please use the Be Successful section on the website. Your campaign on Crowd Fund IDEA enables you to judge demand and help fund your idea or startup. Be sure you know before you launch how you "produce your product" and how much costs are involved.