Operating System (offline)
This is the Offline app for Computer Science Student
Operating System (offline)
This is the Offline app for Computer Science Student.This app contains following topics. 1 What is Data Structure. 2 Types of Data Structure. 3 What is Algorithm . 4 Space Complexity. 5 Time Complexity. 6 linear and Nonlinear data Structure. 7 Stack. 8 Queue. 9 What is LinkList. 10 Types of Linklist. 11 Operation in linklist. 12 Insertion Sort. 13 Selection Sort . 14 Mearge Sort. 15 Quick Sort. 16 Bubble Sort. 17 Heap Sort. 18 Linear Search. 19 Binary Search. 20 Graph and its representations. 21 Breadth First Traversal for a Graph. 22 Depth First Traversal for a Graph. 23 Minimum Spanning Tree . 24 Shortest path algorithm. 25 Binary Tree. 26 Binary Tree Algorithm. 27 Binary Search tree. 28 Insert and Delete node. 29 AVL Tree. 30 B Tree. 31 Hashing Techniques.