Whether you’re a student new to the city, a music-lover, or just in search of where to go, native provides a complete guide to music and events in your location
Whether you’re a student new to the city, a music-lover, or just in search of where to go, native provides a complete guide to music and events in your location. We champion the best experiences. Stick with us and we’ll get you into the most unique and unforgettable events that your city has to offer.ULTIMATE GUIDEEvery event in one placeSMART RECOMMENDATIONSWe’ll show you the experiences we think you’ll loveNATIVE TICKETS. Buy and store e-tickets directly through nativeTICKET COMPARISONIf we don’t sell it, we delve through a list of ticket providers to ensure that you pay the best priceDRINKS DEALS. Redeemable exclusively for native usersSTORIES. Exclusive music and events content delivered dailyEXPLORE. DISCOVER. EXPERIENCE.