Computer Engineering Books
Tired of searching the web for the book you need? orDo you end up checking all the media to find where the book your friend has send is located?then Computer Engineering Books will make your life easi
Computer Engineering Books
Tired of searching the web for the book you need? orDo you end up checking all the media to find where the book your friend has send is located?then Computer Engineering Books will make your life easier.Computer Engineering Books provides all the books right from Semester-I to Semester-VIII categorized according to the subjects.Key Features:- Contains 35+ books categorized into subjects which are further categorized into the semesters they belong- Download only the books needed and save some space on your phone- Read books in your favorite PDF reader- All the books in one place, no more hustle to find booksThe Books are categorized as per the Mumbai University syllabus (Rev-2016). Need a particular book to be added? please contact the developer atxinnatestudios@gmail.comHelp us improve by rating the app.