Anisics Stream
Anisics Mobile is an mobile application for streaming anime music
Anisics Stream
Anisics Mobile is an mobile application for streaming anime music.This application allow you to reading the lyric, reviewing some anime music, bookmark your favorite anime, and much more..Reading lyrics while playing anime music is available in the music page and can only be loaded if network is available, you can review every music but keep your words clean and avoid harsh conversation in the comment section.Any music added to playlist will be downloaded, so you can play it when offline. To find the music saved you can search for Anisics Folder in the SD Card.For the web version, visit at
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Alarm Button
Appointment System
Audio Library
Audio Stream
Conference Call
Direct Video Call
Gps tracking
HQ Image Library
In-App Purchases
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Public Calendar
Push Notifications
QR Code Coupon
Skippables Advertise Banner
Skippables Advertise Interstitial
Video Library
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