Tide Plotter
Tide Plotter for the Android developed to supplement the extremely popular Windows version
Tide Plotter
Tide Plotter for the Android developed to supplement the extremely popular Windows version.No internet connection is necessary after the initial installation and contains data up to the end of 2018. Just carry around all your tidal information for the next two years in your pocket without worrying about an internet connection. It is far more than just Tide Tables.Key features:Predictions for 2017, and 2018No internet connection required, the data is stored within the applicationDaily tidal graphs showing times, heights, time zone, with the drop to the next low water, sunrise and sunsetHeight times at any time of the dayMonthly tables with times and heightsA find facility to produce tables of the time at a pre determined tide height. Absolutely ideal for producing tables for when the lock opens, when to get over the bar etc.No adverts Must have for any user of tidal waters.