
Big Black Triangles

Light Box Draw

Load photos or artwork directly from your Photo Library into Light Box Draw and easily manipulate them for tracing

Light Box Draw

Load photos or artwork directly from your Photo Library into Light Box Draw and easily manipulate them for tracing.Flip you artwork Vertically or Horizontally. Rotate your artwork in 15 degree intervals Left or Right. Scale your artwork Up or Down to Zoom way in or Zoom way out according to the size of the Artwork. Movement buttons position your Artwork in the exact position you want for tracing your work.Warning!! Please use Common Sense when drawing or tracing on top of you Device. Always use a screen protector. Do not use any marker, ink or paint that will bleed through to your device. Do not Draw or Trace directly on your Device. Always use paper and a recommended soft tracing pencil and always Trace Lightly on your Device.* We are not responsible for and damage you may cause to your device.