
Campbell Scientific, Inc


Campbell Scientific's LoggerLink for Android is a simple yet powerful tool that allows an Android device to communicate with IP-enabled dataloggers (CR6, CR200X, CR300, CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000)


Campbell Scientific's LoggerLink for Android is a simple yet powerful tool that allows an Android device to communicate with IP-enabled dataloggers (CR6, CR200X, CR300, CR800, CR850, CR1000, CR3000). Bluetooth communication is also supported for these same dataloggers using a RS232-Bluetooth adapter. The app supports field maintenance tasks such as viewing and collecting data, setting the clock, and downloading programs.Benefits and Features: * View real-time data * Graph historical data * Collect data * Set variables and toggle ports * Check important status information about the health of the datalogger * Perform field maintenance such as send program, set clock * Manage filesPLEASE NOTE: The current version of LoggerLink supports communication via IP and Bluetooth only. Serial, RF, or other means of communication are not supported.Legal:Before using this application, you must agree to the end user license agreement (EULA) AT&T does not support mobile-to-mobile communications. If your mobile device and cellular modem are both on the AT&T network, communications between LoggerLink and the datalogger cannot be established.