

Raise The Bar – No AR

Raise the Bar supports our programmes with a mobile learning app which, through Augmented Reality, will provide an innovative and interactive learning platform in addition to face-to-face training del

Raise The Bar – No AR

Raise the Bar supports our programmes with a mobile learning app which, through Augmented Reality, will provide an innovative and interactive learning platform in addition to face-to-face training delivery. The app acts as a resource centre for conference agenda, event footage, speaker biography, top tips from your speaker, podcast, providing a solution to collate delegate feedback and measure ROI.APP FEATURES:AUGMENTED REALITYA feature within the app whereby physical triggers will activate content within the app. For example, images within our workbooks trigger video content of a subject matter expert explaining the concept in more detail. Activation is instant, and is also functional offline. LEARNING SUPPORTThe learning support feature within the app is highly interactive and gives you access to tips cards relating to your modules, pre & post course work and key messages from the trainer.CONFERENCE AGENDAPrior to your conferences the conference agenda is available through the app, giving delegates a clear vision of what the day will look like as well as key learning outcomes and pre course-work.SPEAKER BIOGRAPHYThe speaker biography, including image, video footage and key topics will be available via the APP prior to and post event.TIPS FROM YOUR SPEAKERSummary points from your training session content can be accessed through the app and/or emailed through to delegates at regular intervals to provide practical takeaways for the delegates based on session content.PROFESSIONALLY FILMED EVENT FOOTAGEWe will use a professional filming to capture your event and the Speaker’s presentation, we will then upload this to the APP so it will be instantly accessible for all delegates for 12 months post-event.PODCASTS Produced by our speakers to reinforce and further instil topic content being delivered in your programmes, alternatively these are used to convey relevant and timely messages from the leadership team.