

Paura di Niente

"Do you think that there is anyone, whether large or small,Who has never, ever been afraid of anything at all?

Paura di Niente

"Do you think that there is anyone, whether large or small,Who has never, ever been afraid of anything at all?..." reads the rhyme.The story centers around the question all children, sooner or later will ask themselves:“Do others have uncertainties, insecurities and fears like me? Out there, everyone look so strong, big, tall and confident! I am so small and helpless."The answer is: everybody, small or large, weak or strong, in short absolutely everyone has fears. Fears that sometimes are kept hidden under a thick skin or in the case of the story a thick fur.There is nothing wrong with being small and feeling a little bit helpless. Talking about those fears and facing them will eventually make them shrink away and, even look a little funny.