Tablet stylus - as a tablet
UPADTE LOG[Update] ver 1
Tablet stylus - as a tablet
UPADTE LOG[Update] ver 1.44* The men who did not use a server crash has also been updated available.- Replaced by setting the port number to connect directly.- Change the port number when the server crashes.- Other inquiries , please send e-mail.[ver 1.34],PC[ver 1.34P]*error fixed.*Shortcuts registered improvements.*PC program enrollment.(Shortcut)*drawing,moving,right click Shortcuts can be selected.*Additional pc -side updates shortcuts.*Add your pc test program.(homepage down)PC [ver 1.23P]"Moving Key" has been added. "Moving Key" Block all 'drawing' feature in the app. Only move the pointer. When ‘mV’ button on in 1:1 Mode, You can take advantage of can use it by press keyboard ‘n ’ button.[ver 1.23]Push Notification Service have been added. When pc program or app updates, the push alarm is shown[ver 1.13]Add tool button, and add ‘Color pick’. 'Color pick' will copy the color end of the mouse point, And copy to the clipboard. You can use the mobile phone as a tablet.Using a usb & wi-fi to connect to a PC.* Recommended for usb connection. wi-fi connection is slow or the reaction may be unstable.*The sharp end of the stylus is recommended.[function]1. The mode can be set (trackpad mode, 1: 1 mode)It works like a trackpad on a laptop.Easy to use.With a small screen is recommended.<1 : 1 mode>The screen of the phone screen and pc spot is 1: 1 ratio to match.The operations such as tablets.With a large screen is recommended.(Turn off the mV button and recommended to use the right CTRL key.)2. The basic mouse functions3. Move the mouse pointer sensitivity setting (trackpad mode)4. Hotkeys.* Easily to use like a pen to draw perform such functions through the V button (app), and the right CTRL key.* Detailed action can be found via the manual internal Apps view.setting video :****** This application requires the PC-side program. ****** can get the program from the above site.For more information please use the guidebook in the app.*********************************************************************If you use the handwriting stabilization plug-ins like 'Lazy Nezumi pro'You can use it to more good quality.*********************************************************************