strings.xml Editor
Several IDE's that allow to develop apps in Android do not support the handling of string ressourcesthis app means to fill this out, and allow for easy managing of a whole bunch of strings
strings.xml Editor
Several IDE's that allow to develop apps in Android do not support the handling of string ressourcesthis app means to fill this out, and allow for easy managing of a whole bunch of strings.xml filesworks best on a tablet with mous and keyboard, but it was also tested on a S4...This app ist not thought to be used standalone, but in conjunction with an Android Java IDE, like AIDEthus you can't create projects, that is the job of the IDE...Starting help:- click on the path to open a filebrowser and go to the project location, you can click on the root of a project, it will find the correct files, if there's ambigouity, a dialog pops open to resolve it- the first column of the tabl is the keyword, used in the code, a context menu by clicking on it allows to remove a whole line (beware no undo)- a new keyword is created by clicking into the first column header, give in the dialog the type of the ressource, the token/keyword name, and a default value then hit ok- klicking on the column header "..."you can un-hide loaded languages or add a new one- clicking on a language column header hides that column.- clicking on a field of a translation allows to change it, beware, no chekcing about the validity of your xml syntax is done... validate the value bit hitting enter, otherwise the data is not taken over!lastly don't forget to hit the diskette symbol to save everything!