Stocard-Carduri de fidelizare
Join 20 million Stocard users and store all your rewards cards in one free app
Stocard-Carduri de fidelizare
Join 20 million Stocard users and store all your rewards cards in one free app.DIGITIZE YOUR REWARDS CARDSUnclutter your wallet by scanning the code on your plastic cards within seconds.COLLECT REWARDS POINTS IN STOCARDWhenever you're shopping, just pop-up your loyalty cards barcode on your phone and have it scanned by the cashier to receive your points.DISCOVER EXCLUSIVE OFFERSBrowse coupons, discounts, flyers and circulars in Stocard – all related to your favourite stores!USE ADVANCED FEATURESYou can even save Passbook/Apple Wallet passes, airline-tickets and gift cards in Stocard.
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