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Picture Manager: Rename and Organize

Picture renamer and organizer for picturesFeatured by XDA-Developers: "Automatically rename and organize your photos with Picture Manager"Some manufactures save pictures taken with the camera with an

Picture Manager: Rename and Organize

Picture renamer and organizer for picturesFeatured by XDA-Developers: "Automatically rename and organize your photos with Picture Manager"Some manufactures save pictures taken with the camera with an incremented number in the filename, instead with a timestamp like other manufactures do.When you factory reset your device, buy a new device or clean flash a custom rom, the camera picture counter gets reset and starts with e.g. IMAG_00001 again.This can be an issue once you backup your files to a harddrive on your PC.Because you will have duplicate filenames, but the pictures are actually different.Picture Manager solves this problem by renaming your taken pictures with a timestamp format you can select or even define yourself.Picture Manager is also capable of organizing your taken pictures into folders that are named by the year, month day and even location.That will help you to quickly find your pictures again.The renaming and organizing can be done in a batch process, but can also be done instantly, immediately after you have taken the picture with a background service.#Auto Rename#Batch Renamer#Batch Organizer#Image Timestamper#EXIF Renamer#EXIF Organizer