Diary - Notes, Goals,Monthly Planner & Reminder.
The complete diary in new year 2019
Diary - Notes, Goals,Monthly Planner & Reminder.
The complete diary in new year 2019.****Features***# Personal Diary# Goals# Notes# To do list# Water Reminder# Food diary# Money Manager# Personal DiaryWrite everyday for what you are grateful for, your ideas and most important task for the day.# Food DiaryYou are what you eat and what you drink, Keep track of food and water drinking habits by a diary and stay healthy.# Water ReminderTrack Water Consumption and Its remind you to drink water too.# TO-DO LISTThe To-Do list that makes it easy to plan your day.# GoalsWrite your new year resolutions and track it easily.# Money ManagerRecord your every money transaction to analyse your income and expenses.
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