

Докажи что ты крутой ! Круче Путина !

Everyone knows Vladimir Putin

Докажи что ты крутой ! Круче Путина !

Everyone knows Vladimir Putin . He is the third, fourth, sixth and seventh President of the Russian Federation . Have you seen the handshake of the us and Russian presidents? Putin almost dislocated my arm Trump, wanting to show who's really cool, because trump is new to this game, and Putin for 18 years, during which time he managed to out-drink Boris Yeltsin , to ride the bear to find the treasure at the bottom of the sea , to return Sevastopol to the home port , to put out several fires in Primorye, flying on the helicopter and change on the other , to save his friend-the President of Ukraine from violent reprisals of the people. He's so cool that God prays for him before he goes to sleep. Putin is the coolest person on the planet, but even he couldn't get this game, will you challenge the coolest game on Google Play?