

System App Freezer & Remover

For ROOT access device only

System App Freezer & Remover

For ROOT access device only.Features:☆ Freeze/defrost SYSTEM apps and REGULAR apps☆ Delete system apps (.apk and data)☆ Uninstall regular apps.☆ Different type of filters (running apps, system apps, regular apps)☆ Recover frozen apps after reset/ROM upgradeSome system apps are VERY important. Please pay attention when freezes them. Freezing/deleting system apps may cause reboot your phone. ★ Freezing an app prevents it from running in background and using your battery, CPU and memory and slow down your phone. It also preserves your data that can be easily restore later.★ Defrosting an app is a revert process to restore that app with its data before freezing. Upgrading that app is still available. ★ Deleting an app is completely removed app (.apk) and associated data from your phone. App can not be restored later. Be careful with this option.