

Weaphones™ Gun Sim Free Vol 2

The creators of the most authentic mobile firearms simulator bring you next chapter with Weaphones: Firearms Simulator Mini Armory Vol 2Continuing our tradition of blending realism with fun, Volume 2

Weaphones™ Gun Sim Free Vol 2

The creators of the most authentic mobile firearms simulator bring you next chapter with Weaphones: Firearms Simulator Mini Armory Vol 2Continuing our tradition of blending realism with fun, Volume 2 features all new weapons, from a machine pistol to a pump shotgun. Experience how these weapons operate, with realistic reloading, chambering and stoppages. Don’t just play the game, grab your device and it becomes a digital weapon, all the important controls are within a finger’s reach. Leverage the power of the built in accelerometer and flash capabilities for a more genuine experience. Become a sniper as you chamber that massive .50 caliber round or imagine yourself as Rambo hip firing the 60. _______________________________» Realistic Fire, Sound, Smoke, Flash & Recoil Effects» Full Interaction and Control» Authentic Weapon Mechanics» Accessories & Paint Options» Daily Freebie Weapons to Try Out» Detailed Full HD Graphics» 100% Customizable to Fit User’s Hand Size and Preference → Lefty Flip → Rotate 180° → Scale → Location» User Adjustable Variables → Unlimited Ammo → Auto Reload → Weapon Jamming/Overheating → Accelerometer Reloading → Camera Flash Shooting → Slow Motion Rate on Pistol» Weapon State Indicator (“Why Am I Not Shooting”)» Ultra Detailed Step-By-Step Animated Tutorial for Each Weaphone» Multi-Touch, Accelerometer & Camera Flash Support» Social Media Driven Future Content_______________________________Weapon Types:» PISTOL» REVOLVER» SMG» ASSAULT RIFLES» MARKSMAN RIFLES» LIGHT MACHINE GUN» SEMI AUTOMATIC SNIPER RIFLES» BOLT ACTION SNIPER RIFLE» PUMP SHOTGUN» AUTO SHOTGUN» GRENADE LAUNCHER