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OB-GYN USMLE Step2 CK 1400 Q&A

This is a Combination of sets, containing practice questions and study cards for Obstetrics & Gynecology preparation on the topic of pregnancy, childbirth, reproduction, & child development/disease

OB-GYN USMLE Step2 CK 1400 Q&A

This is a Combination of sets, containing practice questions and study cards for Obstetrics & Gynecology preparation on the topic of pregnancy, childbirth, reproduction, & child development/disease.Get +1400 study notes & quiz to prepare your nursing exam smoothly on the GO. With this app you guarantee higher score, wider knowledge & more study effectiveness.With this app you can learn on the Go & everywhere. Don't just meet standards, exceed them.In this app you will GET 4 apps for the price of 1.For the seek of Knowledge sharing & in order to give our learners a great value for their investment in Learning, We added 3 free relevant apps with this premium application:1-Medical Terminology (3000 terms)2-Medical Abbreviations (700 Abbreviations)3-Medical Law & ethics (1400 flashcards)This means buy 1, Get 3 Free!Invest in your Success Now, Your investment in knowledge, professionalism & expertise is durable and with a High added value, it's a High return investment indeed.This application allows you to expand your knowledge, widen your expertise, improve your skills, Broaden your career & academic horizons.Get +1400 Question & answers and prepare your OB-GYN USMLE step 2 CK exam in less time and get better understanding and higher score.Our passion to Obstetrics & gynecology drove us to develop this outstanding android application to help you understand and admire Obstetrics and gynecology.This app is intended to students, researchers, resident, doctors, biochemical specialists, nurses and medical professionals and of course Medical lecturers, teachers and professors.Get a better score in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS & CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT, COMLEX, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, and the most important is to fall in love with the material, it worth all the attention.An OB/GYN is a physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology.Obstetrics is the medical discipline focusing on pregnancy and childbirth, and gynecology is the general care and management of the female reproductive system. OB/GYNs are usually well-versed in both areas, although some may choose to focus on one or the other in their practices. In order to be board-certified as an OB/GYN, a physician must complete medical school and then a four-year residency approved by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.OB/GYN Board Certification,Often pregnant women have concerns about the safety of hair dyes and permanents during pregnancy. OB/GYN Subspecialties,There are four recognized subspecialties in the field of obstetrics/gynecology: gynecologic oncology, maternal/fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and urogynecology/reconstructive pelvic surgery. Maternal/Fetal MedicineRequires knowledge of obstetrics, medical and surgical complications of mother and fetus, current approaches to diagnosis and treatment, and newborn adaptationOB/GYN Board Certification,Often pregnant women have concerns about the safety of hair dyes and permanents during pregnancy. There is no scientific data on this question, but it seems unlikely that these types of exposures are harmful. Top of PageTemplate 01OB/GYN Subspecialties,There are four recognized subspecialties in the field of obstetrics/gynecology: gynecologic oncology, maternal/fetal medicine, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, and urogynecology/reconstructive pelvic surgery. Each subspecialty has its own certification exams administered by ABOG, and physicians can become certified in one or more of them. Certification is valid provided the primary certification in obstetrics and gynecology is up-to-date.Maternal/Fetal MedicineGet a better score in your USMLE (step1, step2 CS & CK), PANCE, MCAT, DAT, COMLEX,CNA, OAT, NBDE, or PCAT exam, and the most important is to fall in love with the material, it worth all the attention.