Financial Calculators
Most popular financial calculators with real time exchange rates and support for more than 33 world currencies
Financial Calculators
Most popular financial calculators with real time exchange rates and support for more than 33 world currencies. Learn and discover while you calculate – each calculator has built-in description to help you with understanding various financial terms.Features:- Add to favorites. You can easily add any of available financial calculators to favorite list and then edit and prioritize the list with ease and your needs. - Save calculations. Each financial calculation can be saved and edited with just a few clicks.Take a look at available financial calculators:- ACV – actual cash value- Amortization – calculate monthly mortgage payments- APR – annual percentage rate- APR to APY- Auto Loan calculator- Bond price- Equivalent bond yield- Yield to maturity- Zero coupon bond - Car depreciation - Commission for a sale- Compound interest- Credit card interest- Credit card payment- Credit card payoff- Currency converter- Discount calculator- Dividend yield- Earnings per share- EBIT – earnings before interest and taxes- Effective interest calculator- Future value- Hourly to salary calculator- Hourly wage- Interest rate- Investment return calculator- Loan payoff- Markup percent- Mortgage payments- Nominal interest rate- NPV net present value and IRR internal rate of return- Percentage - Present Value - Profit calculator- Return on assets ratio- Return on sales- Revenue per employee- Return on investment- Savings calculator- Simple interest- CAPM – capital asset pricing model- Constant growth stock - Dividend discount model - Expected return of a portfolio- Non-constant growth stock- VAT calculatorSo, If you need a financial calculator in order to perform calculations or just to learn how to use them look no further. Download and enjoy in our app’s quality and reliability.To use currency converter you need internet connection.Free version has ads.Premium version without ads: