mim - Mayor o menor
¿Cómo jugar?El juego consiste en armar una ronda de jugadores dispuestos a divertirse
mim - Mayor o menor
¿Cómo jugar?El juego consiste en armar una ronda de jugadores dispuestos a divertirse. Cada participante deberá seleccionar "menor", "igual" o "mayor"cuando llegue su turno según su intuición, opción que corresponde a la próxima carta que saldrá. En caso de acertar, es turno del siguiente jugador; si ello no ocurre, deberá cumplir con la prenda que hayan decidido antes de comenzar a jugar (ej: FONDO BLANCO!).Suponiendo que se elija el "igual", si ambas coinciden, todos los participantes deberán tomar fondo blanco menos el jugador que seleccionó esa opción.----------------------------------------------------How to play?The game is to put together a round of players ready to play. Each participant will select " minor" , "same" or "major" when his turn by intuition , an option that corresponds to the next letter will . If hit , it is next player's turn ; if it does not, you must meet the pledge they have decided before you start playing (eg ONE SHOT!!).Assuming you choose the "same " if the two match , all participants must take white unless the player who selected that option.How to play?The game is to put together a round of players ready to play. Each participant will select "minor", "same" or "major" when his turn by intuition, an option that corresponds to the next letter will. If hit, it is next player's turn; if it does not, you must meet the pledge they have decided before you start playing (eg WHITE BACKGROUND!).Assuming you choose the "same" if the two match, all participants must take white unless the player who selected that option.-------------------------------------------------- -How to play?The game is to put together a round of players ready to play. Each participant will select "minor", "same" or "major" when His turn by intuition, an option That corresponds to the next letter will. If hit, it is next player's turn; if it does not, you must meet the pledge They Have DECIDED before you start playing (eg ONE SHOT !!).Assuming you choose the "same" if the two match, all participants must take the player WHO white UNLESS That option selected.