Fortune-Telling Game
Find out what the fate reserves for you, playing this fortune-telling game based on "The Greetings of Riches" (Gong Hee Fot Choy), a system of divination developed by the famous mystic and traveler Ma
Fortune-Telling Game
Find out what the fate reserves for you, playing this fortune-telling game based on "The Greetings of Riches" (Gong Hee Fot Choy), a system of divination developed by the famous mystic and traveler Margaret Ward in the 30's.The basic tenet behind Gong Hee Fot Choy is that the good in the world vastly outweighs the bad. Therefore if someone studies their Gong Hee spread they will learn where the good and bad reside in their lives and use this information to ensure they reach their goals.
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